Fleet manager Marco Rossi

With a career that spans commercial fleet management in Paris and work with the yachting industry in Florida, Marco brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the Hill Robinson fleet operation.
With a career that spans commercial fleet management in Paris and work with the yachting industry in Florida, Marco brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the Hill Robinson fleet operation.
Marco points out that, “Most people, even in the commercial side of fleet management, have noticed the growth of the yachting industry and the prominence of Hill Robinson in the superyacht market. I am very pleased that my career path has intersected with theirs. Although I only joined the business this year, I have already started the process of building a fresh driving force in the fleet management team so we can perform and deliver an ever better service for our clients.”
Marco is taking over the Fleet Management role after his predecessor Mark Davies retired and is remodeling the fleet management team based on his extensive experience in the commercial marine market. Marco explains, “In my previous role with a major global company, my responsibility was to manage a fleet of research vessels that operated 365 days a year without entering port.
“Deliver quicker responses and better outcomes. All of the team, who impressed me greatly when I joined, have embraced this process.”
As is the norm within the maritime industry, health, safety and environment are paramount, as well as the drivers. Injury, accidents, careless management of the Owner’s assets and poor decisions on the ground can cause significant costly down-time. To achieve my goals I needed a very tight organisation of our resources, which were scattered around the globe. So, our reporting system collected data from all teams to report and analyse the issues, though more importantly, to create long term solutions rather than simply troubleshooting.
This is the new regime in the Hill Robinson group which will deliver quicker responses and better outcomes. All of the team from all offices, who impressed me greatly when I joined, have embraced this process. I think our efforts to have a refreshed coherent Fleet Management team that steer on the same course will benefit our customers and free-up Hill Robinson’s Partners to have more customer interaction and growth.”