Hill Robinson makes commitment to crew welfare

By becoming a member of ISWAN, Hill Robinson is providing crew with access to support dedicated to improving crew mental health and wellbeing
Working on board a superyacht is challenging. Being away from home, family, and friends for long periods of time, and living and working in a confined and high-pressured environment, can take a significant toll on crew mental health and wellbeing. To offer crew better support and advocacy, Hill Robinson is delighted to announce its recent membership of The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) – an international maritime charity dedicated to improving the welfare of seafarers.
From recruiting crew for their first position on board, to working alongside them within its management or charter fleet, and supporting them in a transition ashore, Hill Robinson is greatly invested in every step of a crewmember’s journey in the industry. Crew welfare is, therefore, critical to Hill Robinson, having always worked hard to ensure its crew work in a safe and secure environment, with access to continuous physical and mental support and care.
Hill Robinson’s new ISWAN membership goes one step further by providing crew with additional services and resources. “Mental health training and support has been a consistent request from the crew within our fleet over the last year and we’re seeing the topic become more and more prevalent,” explains Kayleigh Liddell, Yacht and HR Administrator at Hill Robinson. “The ISWAN membership gives crew access to training resources and support services to maximise their overall psychological wellbeing, while also giving Hill Robinson valuable insight and information about this important topic to evolve its practices and policies.”
By joining ISWAN, crew across the Hill Robinson fleet have access to a free 24/7 helpline, as well as discounts on training surrounding mental health awareness in the maritime industry. The network also brings together a range of companies and sectors within the maritime industry to proactively advocate for seafarer wellbeing and collaborate on solutions.