
Shot@Life: giving access to lifesaving vaccines

By Hill Robinson
22 May 2023

As part of its ongoing charity work, Hill Robinson is proud to support this vital cause

The Hill Robinson Group has had a longstanding commitment to finding ways to give back to society and the natural environment. This philosophy has seen the Group partner with and support numerous charities relating to disadvantaged communities, wildlife conservation and sustainability. 

One of the 13 charities that the Hill Robinson Group is involved with, Shot@Life aims to ensure that children around the world have access to lifesaving vaccines. Through public education, grassroots advocacy, and fundraising, the charity strives to decrease vaccine-preventable childhood deaths and give every child a shot at a healthy life no matter where they live.  

The charity’s cause is more important now than ever. While vaccines have played a key role in doubling the average lifespan of humans between 1920 and 2020, vaccine rates have recently suffered a tremendous set back because of disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. In fact, UNICEF estimates that 67 million children missed out entirely or partially on routine immunization between 2019 and 2021. 

Martha Rebour, Executive Director of Shot@Life, was recently welcomed to Hill Robinson’s Monaco office by Partner Niall Robinson and the rest of the team. The visit coincided with World Immunization Week 2023 and was a stark reminder of the importance of vaccinations in protecting public health. 

“At Shot@Life, we believe that no matter where a child lives, they should not have to suffer from preventable diseases — not when a safe, effective, and affordable vaccine can protect them,” said Martha Rebour, Executive Director of Shot@Life.  

“We can all play a role to catch-up the millions of children who missed out on vaccines during the pandemic and get immunization back on track. We’re grateful for the support of Hill Robinson, and together, we can help give every child everywhere a shot at life.” 

Martha Rebour, Executive Director of Shot@Life, with Niall Robinson, Partner at Hill Robinson 

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